Posted by graml from on June 25, 1999 at 09:37:36:
My fellow Indy pundits,
In "Raiders", Indy instructs his class that "X never marks the spot."
And yet, in "Last Crusade" the X does mark the spot of the knight's
tomb. Maybe after that incident, he stopped using that lecture he
gave in "Raiders." I'm just wondering if anyone else ever caught
Seriously, though. I'm sure all of you know that I have nothing but
the utmost respect for the character of Indiana Jones, but he doesn't
quite seem like professor-caliber material to me. He's disorganized
at best, his lectures (at least from the movies) seem like rambling
affairs that go beyond the usual 50-60 minute class times, and he
kind of mumbles. And then, rather than sort out his student problems,
he jumps out a window. Its been my experience that college professors like this often have trouble filling classes. Any suggestions
on why Professor Jones is so well liked? (I'm sure Indyfans of the female persuasion will have no trouble coming up with theories...)
Maybe Indy should have gotten a job with National Geographic rather than with a university. Anyhow, thanks for your time.
PS I'd like to go on record here that NONE of my college professors
ever went through a window. Although one obviously had a drinking problem... but that's another story entirely. Believe me.