Posted by Brett (Yasim) Lambert and Indiana James (Lambert) from on June 27, 1999 at 20:00:10:
Yes, last night we saw Last Crusade on the big screen in their midnight movie revival series. And I must say it was a thrill to see Indy on the big screen where he belongs. There is so much missing in the movie on video with the pan-and-scan version it's unbelievable. It was just like seeing the Star Wars movies on the big screen in 1997, you notice a lot more things. For example, in the beginning when Fedora and his goons are looting the caverns, you see a lot more supplies they brought and digging going on (and we got a better look at all the goons). I know that might not seem like much, but it's like discovering a new world when you've seen a movie hundreds of times and only been allowed to see half of the screen image. YES, HALF! Also, other tiny things are when Indy is in his office/boiler room, you see a lot more artifacts and items in his office. Also, you see more extras doing stuff e.g. in the library, more people reading books, more Nazi extras and so on. There is a scene where Henry and Marcus are in the tank and Vogel and his men come in and capture the two. Well, as Vogel is questioning Henry, Sr. you see a Nazi extra overacting. He keeps waving his gun around at Marcus exaggerating a lot. That was very humorous. And in the tank you see more of the tank driver, and he's acting really crazy. He's sort of acting like Sebulba in The Phantom Menace. When they do the scenes with Indy on the plane and driving around and they show the map, well you see more of the picturesque locations like the mountains and so on and a much better view of the Brunwald Castle. Plus, the Monument Valley scenes in the beginning are more picturesque. Spielberg's aim to make those scenes look more like the John Ford movies (The Searchers, Stagecoach, etc.) are better realized on the big screen. Believe me guys, if your town will show the Indy movies as part of a revival, don't pass up the opportunity. We're glad we didn't. We just hope my theatre will also be showing Raiders and Temple of Doom also. Can't wait for the excitement to be rekindled there.
Well, we hope you guys enjoyed our story!
Brett and James Lambert, official spokespersons of the millenium (heheh)