Posted by red four from on July 02, 1999 at 10:39:33:
In Reply to: Sorry, his posting name is red four(SM) posted by Groo on July 02, 1999 at 05:52:18:
: : This message is in response to several very mean spirited emails sent to me by one of our own ranks. Please forgive me for mentioning it here, but I thought it necessary for people to know what kind of deluded, ego maniacs fequent this place. For nothing else, to protect yourself from receiving the ump-teen steaming emails from good ole John.
: : Take your own advice and post your hate filled patter here.
: : My Observations,
: : Groo
Nice try Groo, tell the truth next time.
Here is the story folks. Groo here insulted Azuma a few posts back by calling him an ass so I called him on it. He (no surprise here) e-mails me whining about how I am not in charge of what he can or cannot post and calls me a loser, other names etc.. This is not the first time I (or other Forum members for that matter)have been harassed by this nut. I sent him two e-mails, not several, the first being a response to his attack, including my opinion of him, the second was a forward of one of his OWN e-mails (from the last time he was rude and insulting to another Forum member). I had asked him why he had to be so rude, and of course, he attacked again, offline, so the majority of the people here have no idea that he is a loon.
The "Cyberstalking" reference in the post title is from a series of posts a month or so ago, where Groo was bothering Dan (I think that's his name). Dan posted "Is Groo cyberstalking you too?", so this is Groo's clever little spin on it. When he e-mailed me this time, I told him to go bother some 14 year olds (Dan is around 14 years old, Groo is close to or in his thirties). Keep in mind this guy supposedly has children! Something is wrong with that idea. And I am not the first to say so! I think it was Seamus or Brian who asked the same question awhile back.
I'm tired of this guy. He pretends to be a decent person, but the truth is he enjoys sending these harassing e-mails. Who else out there has had this expierience?
The only reason he is posting here on the Forum, is not to "warn" everyone, but because I asked him to do it here. He always hides through e-mail, so then he can act like nothing happened, knowing that most people are so sick of him that they won't even worry about it. I'm hoping to show what a jerk he is. His post is nothing close to the truth. He started up with me and I responded to him. I'm not the nut who instigated this whole thing with an inflammatory post.
In closing, I ask that people look at the post to Azuma, and see if it was called for. Also, go through the Vault and see that Groo, more often than not, is stirring up trouble. I have never bothered anyone here, and no one other than Groo has ever bothered me. Has he ever bothered you? Have I? An absolute no on the last one. Please back me up on this one folks.
John D