Posted by ROB T. from on July 05, 1999 at 01:37:22:
There was some talk below about stunts and staples and it got me to thinking about something I've wanted to ask. Every time I read about Indy's hat staying in place it's reported that they used staples to hold it on. This can't be right, no actor would allow staples to be inserted into his head, but this is what I always hear. So, does anyone know for sure exactly what method they used to keep Harrison Ford from losing his hat?
Incidentally, the reason those old serial actors, and Indy, have to keep their hats on is so their won't be a continuity problem when they edit the footage together and also to hide the faces of any stuntmen in the scene.
Saw "Raiders" Saturday at the Englewood theatre in K.C. God, it was great. Seeing it again Tuesday night and I'll give you all a complete rundown on the crowd and the whole theatre experience.