Posted by Short Round from on July 05, 1999 at 12:10:10:
I recently got a new puter game, TITANIC, Adventure Out of Time, and boy!!!! Does this game sound so similar to Young Indiana Jones and the Titanic Adventure!!!! The part where you are supposed to go into the steam room or something like that, the bath kind of place, reminds me of on YIJTA when he snuck in there or something. And sometimes even the characters!!!! And that chik who lost her daimond or something. Man that reminds me of the chik who wanted me to have her daimonds, in the game. And you are supposed to play a British Secret Agent right???? Well Indy recently visited Arthur Conan Doyale, aka the dude who wrote about a british detective, Sherlock Holmes. And when he was about to dock on the Titanic, if I remember, he spotted some mailboxes blowing up or something, nearby. Similar to when they bombed London on the game, at the beginning. And remember, and if I remember, Indy and that stow away chik were being held at gunpoint in the cargo hold I think it was, when the Titanic hit the iceberg. On the game you are being held at gunpoint by Colonel Zeitel, in the exaust tube thing on the very top i think it was. And remember, Indy scoops up a baby and hands it to a chik in a lifeboat or something???? You have to walk around ands trade a baby around the ship.. well see ya... tell me if ya got more indyfans.
"Hey maybe in a thousand years you will even be worth something."