Posted by Goodsport from on July 08, 1999 at 09:39:45:
In Reply to: Just a Thought posted by Short Round on July 08, 1999 at 09:27:49:
: Hey I was thinking of Indy IV and what it might be a few days ago right??? And I came up with this idea: What if Indy IV is Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. Ya never know!!
Well, in game terms Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis was Indy IV, and Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine will be Indy V.
In movie terms, there was an interview with Hal Barwood (who was in charge of Fate of Atlantis and is in charge of Infernal Machine) where he said that he had actually come up with a different story to become the next Indy game (with Infernal Macine being his second choice), but Lucas told him not to go with his first choice because it resembled the story of the next Indy film a little too closely.
Hmm... could that mean that Lucas, Spielberg and Ford are planning on another Indy film? Please say it's so! :)