Posted by Deirdre from on July 09, 1999 at 06:29:54:
In Reply to: Three years married and a three yearold son? I smell a SHOTGUN WEDDING!!! posted by Whip ME on July 09, 1999 at 05:43:31:
I'm not a feminist, not a man-hater or someone who rolls her eyes in frustration when a man pulls out the chair for me and start calling him a chauvinistic pig. Neither am I a doormat, who lets man step allover them. I believe that women ought to be a little bit in between those two. Spunky and feisty enough to keep up with a guy and demure enough to keep him interested.
About dating a man who's nearly twice your age... I think 10 years is the max. As they get older, or even in the beginning there will be a clash of habits, hobbies & opnions. They just need to get used to each other, you know lose their pride and give in once in a while.
Plus, it really depends on you. Are you willing to be seen with someone who looks like your dad or younger brother?
Deirdre Campbell
(The first woman with whom Indy married to)