Posted by Galacter from on July 13, 1999 at 04:53:45:
In Reply to: Any body live in the Las Vegas area.....G. Lucas might be there!! posted by Johnson on July 10, 1999 at 10:05:01:
: I was reading through a comic book magazine the other day and I read an article of cool comic book related places to visit. One area talked about a place in Las Vegas called the Star Wars Cantina. It is inside the FAO Swartz biulding and is like the Mos Isley cantina. It has has many Star Wars related might have some indy jones things. Anyway, it also says that George Lucas stops in every now and then to talk to fans and get feedback. If anyone lives there they should hang out there until Lucas comes again and beg him for another indy film ASAP. He might even give you some indy info!!!
I live in Vegas. I've been there to the FAO Scharz thingie and the whole Star Wars wa-plow.
Trust me. There is not a hope's snot chance in hell of what you're saying ever happening.
There is no Indy stuff in there either, and the Star Wras stuff is just the same crap everyone else has, but with prices Jacked through the roof.
Bitter G