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Posted by Vince... from 1Cust136.tnt12.alameda.ca.da.uu.net on July 14, 1999 at 13:45:57:
In Reply to: Re: Lucas and Indy IV... posted by Goodsport on July 14, 1999 at 10:41:30:
: : Well, its already been said that the next movie will be set in a later time period (partially because after doing "Schindler's List", Spielberg doesn't want to make light of the events in WWII anymore), so some aspects, like the era it takes place in, will likely will be different. Hopefully, they will be able to keep the tone and feel right, though (much like "SW: TPM" did. Even though, the story structure was much different, they managed to hold onto the right feel). As for the issue of Ford's age, he still does action movies (like "Air Force One" and even "Six Days, Seven Nights" had some action) and he still looks quite convincing in them. Obviously, though, Ford's age will become an issue if they don't get it started in the next couple of yours. 2005, one of the mentioned possible start times, might be too late. Maybe, in between "Star Wars: Episode II" and "Episode III" would be better (much like how "Raiders Of The Lost Ark" was done in between "The Empire Strikes Back" and "Return Of The Jedi").
: Plus, we already saw a 51-year-old Indy played by Harrison Ford in "Young Indiana Jones and the Mystery of the Blues", and his short time onscreen was pretty action-packed.
: And they can kind of play with the idea of Indy believing that he can do all that jumping and stuff (i.e. denying his age), then having him find out that he's no spring chicken (kind of what Clint Eastwood's characters went through in Unforgiven and In The Line of Fire). This could kind of be a motivation for him to find the Fountain of Youth (although I doubt that that's the rumored storyline that Lucas and company will go with).
: Oh well... just a thought!
: -G
I think that Lucas should stay clear away from Indy 4 because he will put too many effects in this one and make it look weird to the other movies.I mean it could still be a great movie,but please NO more after this one.They sould do something new.Another thing don't try to do the Batman thing.You know try to get some new person to do it every time,they even did that for the Bond movies.I wouldnt mind seeing Harrison play in another Indy movie.Please understand that people age,we can't help it.It's what life is about.