Posted by Ben, friend of Indy from on July 17, 1999 at 15:06:39:
"'Eyyyyyy!" Everybody! You may notice that I haven't been posting lately. It's because I went down to Pensacola Beach, Florida! We went to meet some EXTREMELY close friends. I went to the beach every day (that would be 3 days)with my friends. On the third day I got stung by a jellyfish and it HURT!!! It hurt so bad that I cried. But it got better quickly. On the last 2 days I got buried in the sand and became the Season 1 Lost in Space Sand Mutant. And I got salt water in my mouth and eyes too many times to count it was also fun to be swept onto the beach by the Gulf. I think Indy probably would have liked it.
And now, I'm gonna sign off with my new end message:
"Okie dokie Dr. Jones! Hold on to your potatoes!"