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Posted by ROB T. from on July 18, 1999 at 03:34:28:
There's been a lot of activity on the forum since I last visited Friday morning so I thought I'd add my two cents on some of the issues discussed.
First, welcome back Meg. Glad you had a great time in Hawaii. We missed you.
I agree that changing the name of "Raiders" is a dumb idea. It's not monumentally stupid like much of "Phantom Menace" but I don't see what purpose it serves. I don't know whose idea the change is but it smells like more George Lucas tinkering. He can't seem to leave his old movies alone. He's the Tim Allen of filmmaking. "More power, aargh aargh."
I also think they should give the Jack Ryan series back to Alec Baldwin and leave Harrison open to do another Indy film.
You guys gave some cool examples in my poll about Indy scenes that epitomize who Indy is. I was afraid that I hadn't been clear about what I was looking for but you nailed it. I thought it was telling that most of the scenes chosen came from "Raiders." It is the best of the series.
I was a little surprised at the seeming backlash against Marion in the poll about fave heroines. She is so much better than Willie or Elsa and is really the only worthy Indy heroine. However, I don't think she should return for Indy IV and I don't think she and Indy would marry. They're strictly a fling. The kind an old married man looks back on with fondness but knows he's better off without.
As far as Indy fighting Russians in the Cold War or more Nazis, I think Indy should stick with the Nazis and leave the Russians to James Bond. The Nazis are tailor-made for Indy. He hates them and the feeling is mutual. I disagree with Spielberg's assessment that he can't do anymore Nazis after the way he did them in "Schindler's List." I never thought that his portrayal of Nazis in the Indy films trivialized the horrors they wrought on the world.
I posted here a few months ago that I thought Michelle Yeoh from "Tomorrow Never Dies" would make a cool Indy heroine and I stand by that. If it were done right she would be awesome. She could maybe play a Japanese villainess allied with the Nazis against Indy. They should tone down the martial arts part though. But at least she can do all her own stunts.
There was some controversy over who created Indy more. Was it Lucas or Spielberg? I just read an article on another fansite that seemed to show who contributed what. If I can dig it up I'll post a link on this site. Many of you may have already read it but it might shed some light for those who haven't.