Posted by Abner from on July 21, 1999 at 15:13:40:
In Reply to: Re: THE GERMAN ARMY WERE NAZIS INCASE YOU DIDENT ALREADY KNOW! posted by Henry jones jr. on July 21, 1999 at 12:10:00:
There is a distinction to be made between the German Army (Wermacht) and the Nazi Party. The German Army was made up of ordinary Germans who may or may not have been Nazis, as well as captured soldiers from Russia, Eastern Europe, and even the Far East! Then there were the Nazi groups such as the Stormtroopers (SA), Gestapo, and SS. There was also a division between the Waffen-SS who were Germany's elite soldiers (think Saving Private Ryan) and the regular SS who were murderers (think Schindler's List). Not that it really mattered to Indy- they were all bad guys! I do think however there was a conscious decision to put Indy in an Army officer's uniform rather than a uniform of one of the other more despicable organizations.
Danno is right about Rommel, too. Count von Stauffenberg, an Army officer, was killed along with many "conspirators" including Rommel for his attempted assassination of Hitler. He currently has a street named after him in one of the larger German cities, I forget which.