To Abner: Shirts and all

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Posted by Kay from on July 21, 1999 at 17:25:06:

Yes, I was talking about Germans, specifically SS; although I can't easily distinguish between a grey, but still well-maid uniform of ss-men in Shindler's list and the quite BLACK uniform in, for instance, Raiders or LC. I'd speculate it could easily be both, e.g. field and special events types.
I can't provide much evidence on the designer legend, thus supporting it as such I guess.. any comments?
Yes, there have been and probably are some cool uniforms. French Foreign Legion was not bad; I watched "Legionnaire" w/JK vanDamme yesterday and was fairly disenchanted with it since the movie goes in a line straight as a lamp post and almost all the actors, well, suck.
Take such a subject full of fame, and make such a pedestrian movie. But JK tried, oh yes he tried, not a single karate kick, plus JK BOXING (still in that karate stance)!
Come on, somebody (maybe Spielberg?) has got to do a movie on this Legion.. there's so many great moments, like the bayounet charge of the 10 or so legionnaires left of a 100 against a few hundred Mexicans which were decimated to that number from 1.5 thousand or so.. These are the warriors that'd make many a puppet army seem puny.
In any event, when I was watching the Mummy, the movie shows a French soldier.. I dearly dremt they'd have a Legion story subline or at least something, and the white kepys (Legion famous) of the soldiers at the beginning were ecouraging, but lo.. not much more. So this French soldier had a pretty good adventure/uniform outfit throughout the movie, and at the beginning it was definitly a uniform; and it looked well, especially in the scene of emptying two revolvers at the charging cavalry, taking two automatics from behind the back and proceeding to bring down the horsemen with deadly accuracy (I know, them movies..)But absence of the two vertical lines/pleats on the guys field shirts severely truncated his chances of scoring the maximum points ;-), which rest, and I guess might do so eternally, with the man im der Hat.

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