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Posted by The Man with the Hat from port188.maxc04.bignet.net on July 22, 1999 at 05:19:17:
In Reply to: Re: Chapter 13 of the exiting adventures of Tessa and the Stranger in the Plane!! posted by The Man with the Hat on July 22, 1999 at 05:15:39:
: : Malaysia. At the top of the highest building was a restricted penthouse.
: : And in it sat the world's most devious man. His face was never seen. Only his voice was heard.
: : Right now, Deirdre was standing in front of his desk. All she could see was the back of a large executive reclining chair. The leather
: : smelled of expensive Italian. An arm was seen resting on its armrests. A hand holding a cigar and a ring of pure gold with a large diamond
: : on its fingers.
: : "News?" a deep voice asked.
: : "I send James Lambert after her, Sir," Deirdre said. "He and the Fiddler is going to Poland."
: : "See to it that they won't fail this time, Deirdre," the man said. "Else I will have your head too.
: : "Yes Sir," Deirdre answered.
: : "Dismissed." The man waved.
: : ------
: : Chapter 12 [Killing Time]
: : The atlantic sun was shining mercilessly on them. Tessa wished she had brought along her suntan lotion(about the only thing she hadn't brought along in her bag...who would've thought she'd we plane-wrecked in the middle of the atlantic?!).
: : The Man in the Hat lay lazily beside her and Tessa couldn't help but chuckle; to think that when she first had seen him she secretly had wished to be marooned out somewhere with this hunk of a man... but NOT like this!
: : He STILL hadn't had told her why he had pretended to be Goodsport.
: : Sighing Tessa sat back and dozed-off, pushing all her problems out of her mind.
: : -------
: :
: : "May I have your tickets, Sir?" an attractive Malasian woman in a stewardess's uniform held out her hand at the boarding gate.
: : James Lambert handed her his and the Fiddlers tickets. The Fiddler winked at the girl but his attempt at flirting was futile; she just looked at him fleetingly and uninterstingly glanced away. Damn.
: : "So, what has Madame Deirdre told you so far?" James asked his colleage as they entered the plane.
: : "About all there is to know."
: : "Which is?"
: : "All." the Fiddler checked his seat number and sat down by the window.
: : James rolled his eyes and took the aisle seat.Not only do I get to go and assassinate someone, but I get some James Bond for an accomplice who's as talkative as a rock!
: : Several minutes later, the plane started moving and took off. By the time it was in the air, James had fallen asleep, tired of the earlier event's in his day. His dreams were sweet: a beautiful belly dancer was dancing before him... on second thought she looked awfully a lot like his twin Jim Carib...
: :
: : ------
: : Deirdre sat motionless on the rooftop of the second tower of the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur , staring down into the abyss. She loved heights and couldn't help marvel at how beautiful and perfect the world looked from up here. Athough some ancient fortune teller had told her once that "...beware of heights, this will be your end!", she just couldn't stay away.
: : Some floors below her a sharp-shooter was positioning his gun. He fired.
: : Momentarily he heard a scream and a figure falling down the 88-storey building.
: : He smiled smugly to himself.
: : ------
: :
: : Who's not "superstitious" enough and will dare to write Chapter 13?
: :
: : Chapter 13 [Send in the Clones]
: Michaelson walked into the bright sunshine of the day, shielding his eyes.
: As he did, he caught the glimpse of an object fast approaching from above him.
: Michaelson quickly stepped aside as the body of Deirdre fell to the sidewalk. battered and broken on the pavement.
: The man didn't bother to check vitol signs as Micah exited the building beside him.
: "She's dead," Michaelson said.
: "Too bad," Micah said, a smile threatening to transform into an all out laugh. "Activate the cloning machine."
: The raft had been drifting for what seemed like days. The Man with the Hat took his hat off and wiped the sweat from his brow.
: "Damn!,"The Man with the Hat said," It's hot as Hell here."
: Tessa said,"You have a definite talent for understatement."
: "Too hot for me," said The Man with the Hat as he stripped off his shirt.
: "What are you doing?" Tessa asked.
: "Cooling off," he said, as he flipped himself over the side of the boat and into the water.
: The ocean felt so good!!
: The Man with the Hat didn't see the shark's fin rise from the water about a hundred yards away.
: The machine hummed as Michaelson and Micah stood and observed. Lights flashed as the cloning machine ended its cycle. A door slid open, and a conveyer brought forth an exact replica of Deirdre, naked as the day she was born.
: "Perfection," Michaelson said of the clone.
: "Thank you," Deirdre's doppleganger said.' You're not so bad, yourself."