Posted by Tessa's husband from on July 24, 1999 at 16:15:48:
In Reply to: My description posted by Tessa on July 24, 1999 at 16:11:19:
You forgot about the two or three long scars on your back from the accident seven years ago!
Hurry home soon. We miss ya.
: Well, I saw people put in their descrptions I might as well put mine.
: I'm 5'6", roughly about 150 lbs (yeah, I've lost 55 lbs, a miracle)
: Brown hair (yep, got my hair dyed) and its'about shoulder length.
: A small fedora tattoo with IJ in the middle of it at the base of my neck (it's only seen when I have my hair up)
: blue-green eyes
: and a actually have a belly button ring (weird and freaky)
: I guess that's about it. Oh, I'll actually be back on Tuesday (my mom has to be back for her job by Wednesday morning). So pa pa (good bye in polish)
: Tess