Posted by Abner from on July 26, 1999 at 12:35:20:
In Reply to: Just ordered my Last Crusade Jacket... posted by Adios Satipo on July 26, 1999 at 09:14:59:
: : First -- has anyone on the list purchased the Last Crusade Wested? If so, why did you decide that way? And, to anyone else who may know -- what kind of trenchcoat is Indy wearing on the zeppelin? I'd love to get my hands on a coat like that one! Thanks!
: : Shade
: I currently have a Wested Raiders, and have just ordered a second jacket using the Last Crusade configuration. Choosing on the first order was tough - I didn't know if I would be able to get a second. I just figured that if I could only have one, it ought to be the original. Overall, though, I've always had more of an afinity for the Last Crusade movie, and I hear the jacket looks the most accurate of all of them when you get the predistressed finished hide.
: It is a tough choice!
The film jacket in the Last Crusade was my personal favorite of the three. I have a Last Crusade jacket in the pre-distressed hide and I like it very much. However, it did look closer to the movie jacket at first but has lightened considerably over time. The pre-distressing process makes the finish too prone to scratching and wearing off. I would talk to Peter about what hide was actually used. Someone mentioned earlier here that lambhide and not skin was used for that jacket. Verify this and see if Peter can make one out of the hide without pre-distressing it. (PRE-distressing just does not look natural to me. ) Then, once you get it you can distress it yourself and it will look much more accurate.) That's what I'm going to do when I order another one.
Hope that was helpful,