Superstitious Hocus Pocus(modified re-post)

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Posted by Short Round from on July 26, 1999 at 16:23:47:

Kismet here reminded me of this one post i posted way back. And after i read a few books i started to notice this more. On Peril at Delphi, he believed in something called "Moly" which gave him good luck right? And good luck is the core of superstition. And he has his eagle thing, wherehe believes his eagle is good luck or his protector or something like that. Then on Dinosaur Egg's he does something where he believes he will get good luck or something by placing a rock beside another or something on the beginning of climbing a mountain or something.. i forget what it is.. and on ToD he gives his "Fortune and Glory" and "Anything can happen" and he said "These people think the rock stolen from the village was one of the ancient shankara stones" like its something of HUGE importance or something. And on Raiders he gives his "I don't believe in magic, superstitious hocus pocus" and plus he included "magic" and "Hocus Pocus" BESIDES just superstition. He witnessed a vision of Merlin, and has that Eagle thing, and he also witnessed invisible people and a village, people getting into his mind and controlling his dreams. Then he has a curse for a few years with that Crystal Skull curse thing. He also witnesses what happened to that dude when he was holding the philosophers stone, he also seen what happened with the Staff of Aaron and the Omega Books itself!!!! And not to mention a guy opening someoen elses heart and tearing it out, to let the slit go back together and let him live while his heart, probably a mile away from his body, burns and has the effect of his body. Then Indy himself goes into a trance and stuff, then the shankara stones glow for funky reasons and stuff. So Indy isnt sure that he believes in magic or superstition does he????????? hmmm... well that raps it up see ya dudes.
"I'm goin after a fine historical find here and your talkin about the boogy man" -Indy, Raiders..

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