Posted by ROB T. from on July 28, 1999 at 04:27:42:
I've said before on this forum that "Raiders" is my favorite of the three Indy films and that I'm kinda lukewarm on the other two; they're good films and if they didn't have to compare with "Raiders," maybe I'd like them better.
A lot of people on this site have said they like "Temple of Doom" or "Last Crusade" better. My question is why? For me, I don't see anything about these two that compares with the first.
The script for "Raiders" is letter perfect. The acting is wonderful and the action intense. The laughs flow out of the scene very naturally.
The villains are better.
The heroine is better.
Indy is cooler.
Marcus is cooler here than in "Last Crusade."
Sallah is cooler here than in "Last Crusade."
Everything about "Raiders" is head and shoulders above the other two films combined.
So what are you guys seeing in "Temple of Doom" and "Last Crusade" that I'm not seeing?
Please someone tell me?!?!