Posted by Goodsport from on July 28, 1999 at 06:05:53:
In Reply to: Sean P. Flanery DUSTS River Pheonix - here's why! posted by Galacter Tiga (you know who) on July 28, 1999 at 03:12:04:
I liked them both. Yeah, their performances were different from one another, but they both brought something to the role.
My sarcastic "digital insertion of Sean Patrick Flannery for River Phoenix" wasn't against Sean Patrick Flannery, but was instead against George Lucas' decision to change the name of Raiders of the Lost Ark to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark. I think Nick Kismet's original point (that I was responding to) was a sarcastic take on what else George Lucas was "planning" to change about the trilogy. :)
But I have nothing against either actor who portrayed teenage Indy. :D