Posted by Mikal C Johnson (KtE Cym SOCAE) from on July 29, 1999 at 07:11:34:
In Reply to: A question for all those who remember 1981... posted by ROB T. on July 29, 1999 at 04:29:12:
Funny, I never thought of Noah's Ark until later, when someone else mentioned it. But I can see how people would think it, since there had been a recent hoopla with James Irwin saying he'd found Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat.
To anyone with an understanding of Jewish thought, the location of the Ark of the Covenant is a big deal... not that I had much understanding of anything at 14, but the Ark of the Covenant was on the poster...
: I was responding to Thuggee Bear's post about the name change for "Raiders" and it got me thinking about something I wanted to ask all those who can remember "Raiders" in its original release.
: With the controversy regarding the name change I'm reminded of my original feeling for the title "Raiders of the Lost Ark." I was sixteen in 1981 and the only Ark I'd ever heard of was Noah's Ark. Indy might have asked if I'd ever been to Sunday school (and I had) but I don't remember any talk of the Ark of the Covenant when I was a kid.
: Anyway, I originally thought that the title of the film was stupid and had very little meaning. Even after I saw the film and was blown away by it I didn't like the title. It didn't sound adventuresome and I thought it might turn off some potential viewers with its seeming vagueness.
: My question to you is this. What did you think of the title "Raiders of the Lost Ark" the first time you heard it, before the film became a big hit and a movie phenomenon?