Re: Any one starting to have doubts about the new Indy movie?

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Posted by nobody from on July 29, 1999 at 12:21:21:

In Reply to: Re: Any one starting to have doubts about the new Indy movie? posted by Goodsport on July 29, 1999 at 11:43:54:

I'm pretty sure the lure of the almighty buck will shape their decisions. There's no question there's a built-in audience for a new movie, that will be the deciding factor.

: : I mean, with all the talk about how Steven has all these movies lined up in front of Indy and nobody quite sure of Ford's near-future agenda, has anyone begun to lose a little faith in the possiblity of the new movie?

: Yeah, I'm really beginning to have my doubts now on whether or not it'll be made. :(

: And even if it does get made, people are going to complain that it's not as good as Raiders, which will probably discourage Lucas and Speilberg from making any more Indy films (if they had been planning to in the first place). :_(

: -G

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