Posted by Cap'n Paul from on May 03, 1998 at 13:08:14:
In Reply to: Re: Indy clothes and equipment posted by Michaelson on May 03, 1998 at 10:00:31:
: : I've been coming here for a while now, and I've seen you guys talk about everything from Indy's jacket, hat and satchel to what kind of socks and underwear he would have had! My question to you now is, what are you people so interested in all this for? It seems like 90% of the discussions on this forum are about clothing or leather companies.
: : I'm not being critical here, just making an observation. What do you guys do with the clothes? Do you go out every day dressed as Dr. Jones? Do you have conventions or something where you wear these costumes? Do you just collect them to own a piece of Indy, so to speak? I'm really curious and just thought I'd ask...
: : -Northy-
: Excellent question! For me it's simply a way to collect a tangible piece of movie history. And when you think about, the Lucas-Spielberg-Ford trinity created a thoroughly entertaining and engrossing series of films that have easily achieved "classic" status. And, I suspect, the general world-wide appeal for the character of Indiana Jones is that there is something about him everyone can identify with. (He's no saint but he tries to live by a code of conduct, etc.) When you have that going, it's no wonder that people seek out the films' collectibles to have some sort of physical connection. For me, it's just a hell of a good looking leather jacket!
Just like any other popular image of our time, the fascination with the Indy world does have it's extremes. Some are mere admirers of the films, others border on obsesssiveness. (I draw the line at "socks and underwear"! Wow!) But, hey, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody (or drive someone to start stalking the Ford's), why not let 'em enjoy it? -CP