Posted by Dale Dassel from on July 31, 1999 at 19:04:01:
Raiders isn't the only film being given the axe as far as
names are concerned. Michael Crichton's 1976 book, Eaters of the ,
which was filmed two years ago (starring Antonio Banderas) was touted
as Eaters of the in a commercial AND on novels with movie covers
last year. NOW there is a commercial on E! network that calls it:
The Thirteenth Warrior (which is a REALLY sucky, stupid-sounding name)
I mean think about it, which movie would you rather go see:
The Thirteenth Warrior OR Eaters of the ? I think it's obvious.
Someone would have to be brain-dead to not know that the title
Eaters of the sounds WAY cooler, not to mention more grim.
There was even news that Crichton was extremely displeased to know
that they were changing the name of his movie. (For those of you
who are interested, EATERS OF THE comes out around August 16).
-Dale Dassel