Posted by Adios Satipo from on August 02, 1999 at 08:28:39:
In Reply to: Re: ToD Wested posted by gary on August 01, 1999 at 20:31:59:
: : For those who have the ToD style Wested (or who have keen observational skills)--
: : Is there truly more differences than just the length in your Tod Wested style versus the Raiders? According to Sapito, the pocket size and shape as well as the placement and length of the side straps are ALL different from the Wested Raiders being made and those seen in Raiders.
: : He noted that with EVERY scene of ToD where he could make out the straps or pockets, they are the same; smaller
: : and more square pockets, side straps shorter and attached well away from the handwarmer slits, side strap buckle tab
: : attached to outside of jacket rather then sewn into the seam. He also believed that the same jacket configuration was used throughout the movie.
: : Can anyone confirm with their ToD Wested?
: : Thanks everyone for their input!
: : Andrea
: Hello, My Wested is a TOD style and it has the changes that were mentioned. I belive the story goes that Wested lost the orginal patterns and had to re-create them so that the TOD jacket is different than the Raiders style. Later they found the patterns.
: GAry
I heard the same - about the lost patterns, etc. I didn't post it because I figured everybody was tired of hearing me question the ToD jacket's origin.
Actually, the more I look at the jacket on film, the more I like it for its own sake. Maybe I'm just trying to justify getting another Wested? Do you know of any other differences in your ToD?
Also - just curious - why did you get the ToD vs the Riaders vs the LC?
Adios Satipo