Posted by ROB T. from on August 04, 1999 at 01:43:45:
There is a small pic of Harrison Ford in the August issue of Movieline magazine (the one with Melissa Joan Hart on the cover, a guilty pleasure) The pic is on page 82 accompanying a one-page article about American stars who don't do commercials in America but who will in Asia. The pic is from a beer ad and shows Ford in a sauna in a towel. It's a small pic but the girls might like it.
Also this morning on "Good Morning America" they reported that Modern Maturity magazine has a feature this month on the fifty sexiest people over the age of fifty. Harrison made the list along with Goldie Hawn, Susan Sarandon and Regis Philben(?)
I don't know how big the feature is since I haven't seen the mag yet but I'll keep an eye open at the bookstore. Although I don't think I want to buy a copy of Modern Maturity since I'm only thirty-four.