Posted by ...whiskey? from on August 04, 1999 at 15:17:21:
Hi all,
I just received my HJ fedora and was dismayed to find that the ribbon was not nearly as dark as the hats pictures on Indy's diggs and Indygear. Actually, there's two different Indy hats pictured on Indy gear, the top has 4 photos and the petersham and below (next to the picture of the shop) is another hat with what looks like the ribbon I got. Very much the TOD/LC style ribbon. I was really trying for the Raiders style hat (which Mr. Swales pinched that way)
Now, unfortunately my hat was also too big (my fault) so I had to send it back anyway but now I need to decide what to to about the ribbon. Also, they are out of the hats till early Sept so I have a little time.
According to Mr. Swales...after the first movie they ran out of the original Petersham (which he said was about 30 years old at the time)
And they used the closest thing they had for TOD and LC. That;s the ribbon I recieved. It's a dark brown but not what you would call "almost black" like I keep hearing. This is what he says they offer right now, NOT the original Petersham.
I'm torn between asking for a black ribbon or sticking with the brown.
There's one other option I suppose...I could order some Petersham ribbon somewhere, send it off to Mr. Swales and have him use that. Has anyone ever ordered the ribbon before? If so, where from and do you have a color name or style #?
I'd love to hear some thoughts...HJ Brown? HJ Black? or try to find the right Petersham? Anyone have experiences with any of these?