Posted by Indy Jones Fan from on August 06, 1999 at 04:55:30:
In Reply to: Raiders name change - here's a thought... posted by Brian on August 06, 1999 at 02:08:23:
You might be right about the older "Raiders" merchandise increasing in value.
We will have to wait and see. I think you are reversed on your Star Wars points though.
Lucas can't force feed Star Wars to us. He can only supply a demand. The fan base
for Stars Wars is much larger than the fan base for Indian Jones. I did a search on Excite
for "Star Wars" and one for "Indiana Jones". The results were dramatically different.
133,440 hits for Star Wars and only 6,800 hits for Indiana Jones. That is why Lucas continues
to release Star Wars related stuff. He knows were his bread is buttered. As far as a new Indy
movie being made, I have given up on that years ago. I would love to see it, don't get me wrong,
but I don't think it will happen.
Regards, Indy Jones Fan