Posted by Rockhammer from on August 06, 1999 at 10:46:31:
In Reply to: Question: How to live an Indy-type life...(Please respond) posted by ROB T. on August 06, 1999 at 02:15:34:
: As Indyfans, part of the thrill of these movies for us, I think, is vicariously living an adventurous life through Indy's adventures. Now in real life I have no desire to be shot at by Nazis or beat up by thugs but I think we'd all like some adventure in our lives.
: At 34 I'm already set on a certain pathway in life so this question is more for the benefit of the younger people on this forum. Lots of us are in our teens and haven't really decided what we want to do with our lives.
: Also there are a lot of more mature folks on this site so I'm asking this so the younger folks might benefit from some advice from the older folks.
: If someone asked you what they could do to have an adventurous life what road would you suggest?
: My own suggestions would fall into two catagories: philosophical and practical. On the philosophical side I would say to be bold and not afraid to make mistakes.
: On the practical side I might suggest joining the Peace Corps for a chance to see the world or the Coast Guard.
: I had a History teacher a few years ago for a nightschool American History class I took for fun (I'm a geek) He had spent thirty years in the Coast Guard and told us that he'd been all over the world on all seven continents, chased drug smugglers, rescued sailors in raging storms and had a very adventurous life.
: So what advice would you give? How does a person in this day and age carve out a more Indy-type life?
Simple. Choose a proffession that will have you travel a lot. This isn't commonly one that will lead to wealth, so be ready for an uncertain economic future.
Examples: Within academia, after you get your PhD in fields like Anthropology, Paleontology, or Zoology, you get to travel a lot. Go to the field and all that.
Even before you graduate, if you're lucky you may be able to join the crew of one of your professors, and go with them around the world for a summer (I haven't gone around the world on digs yet, but at least I've been all around the Western states on situations like that).
This however, requieres time and being in a good school for the field of your choice. All the education will also cost you.
A more practical alternative, if you really want to go and see the world, and don't care much for planning for the future is to join the Merchant Marines.
Sail around the world with them. I'm sure they get leave in most ports, and it's not really joining the military.
There's plenty more options, including joining the armed forces, but right now I don't have the time to write them in.
I hope this helped.