Posted by Greg from on August 06, 1999 at 11:42:53:
In Reply to: Hat Ribbon size in Raiders posted by ...whiskey? on August 06, 1999 at 00:28:57:
: Hi guys,
: Well, while I'm waiting for the hat stock to arrive so Mr. Swales can send me my HJ I figured I take a crack at finding a close approximation of the Raiders style ribbon for my hat (which he's going to pinch like the Raiders hat) With a little luck I'll find a workable ribbbon that I can send him to put on the hat for me.
: I've got some places sending me some Petersham ribbon samples at the 39mm width but I'm curious about something :
: On Luger's page he mentioned that the Raiders hatband was not only darker but a little bit wider. I think he's right in that respect but I'm not sure how much wider. I can't imagine it's much wider but does anyone have any ideas on how wide I should try?
: Anyone have a Herbert Johnson hat with the current LC style ribbon who thinks that maybe it's a little narrow for the raider's look?
: Or is the current LC style ribbon larger than 39mm?
: Tom
As far as I know, they were both 39mm, but as I have mentioned before, if you want a slightly "wider 39mm" (still 39 but looks a bit bigger), go with the sawtoothed ribbon from Hyman Hendler. I have this on my older HJ and it looks OK, but I don't think it comes close to looking like the Raiders ribbon. I actually think the current ribbon from HJ looks a lot like the Raiders ribbon.