Posted by Abner from on August 20, 1999 at 09:12:28:
In Reply to: Re: Think about trying this first! posted by Austin Powers on August 19, 1999 at 21:41:38:
: All I said was that it takes too damn long to "weather" naturally. I don't want to take a belt sander to my jacket. I'm just wondering why it's taking longer to "wear in" than other coats I've had. Geeze, if they're gonna "weather" the coats for Indy 4 naturally, the movie'll never get made.
Well, I was just suggesting what they actually used to weather the movie props- some ultra fine grained sandpaper. Then again, in the films they use up jackets quite rapidly and don't savor them like we do. The sandpaper should be OK if you are gently with it. The sponge idea sounds like its worth a look first, though.