Posted by Patterson from on August 23, 1999 at 07:46:10:
In Reply to: Re: Pre distressed Raiders posted by Dienekes on August 20, 1999 at 11:37:46:
: : : I just saw the picture of the pre distressed Raiders jacket on Inygear. It looks very nice. I think Tim owns it, is it Lambskin or cowhide?
: : : Also, is the zipper in the movies silver?
: : : Regards
: : : Seamus
: : It looks identical to my lamb hide Raiders - for predistressed, Peter uses a hide product from the lamb, as the shinier lambskin doesn't respond well to the predistressing process. If you choose the new finish, you get lambskin.
: : Yes, the zipper in the movies is silver (nickle, actually) while the standard zipper you get from Peter is brass. The brass is actually higher quality, but Peter can do either.
: :What is the difference between lambskin and lamb hide?
: :Dienekes
Lambskin is lighter and thinner, with a shinny surface. The hide, as with any hide product, is heavier and will tend to be more durable. For lamb, if and how they remove the outer layer (the skin) I cannot answer. Call the folks at Wested. They are very helpful in answering specific questions.
When I ordered my first jacket from them, I was really on the fence about which finish I wanted. Discussions with two different people there swung the balance towards the predistressed hide. Both said they much preferred the overall look of the jackets (granted, they only see them when they're brand-new). Also, both said the hide would last much longer, and would overall be more durable.
I have a Raiders predistressed, and am awaiting a LC with predistressed. Someday, though, I'd still like to get an original Raiders with the new finish.