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Posted by Kenneth. from on August 25, 1999 at 15:25:11:
In Reply to: LOOK WHAT I GOT! posted by Short Round on August 25, 1999 at 14:17:17:
Im a big star wars fan even bigger than you are and i know for a fact that
Liam Nesson does not want anymore involvment with star wars.Hence id find it
unlikely that he would show such an interest in this.Natalie portman
i dont know about.All ill say is that if this is genuine then congratulations
But be wary and dont get your hopes up as this may be a sick joke.
Just to let you know over the past year i have recieve two e-mails from
"George Lucas" and one from "Bill Gates" so this kind of prank isnt
Well enjoy it if its real!
: Guys *panic* I got this in the e-mail today and I am speechless. I don't know if this is official but I freaked out *runs hand through hair* has anyone here ever gotten this? Well here it is:
: To Whom It May Concern:
: First of all I would like to tell you who I am. My name is Kelly and I was
: put in charge of Natalie Portman and Liam Neeson's official sites as well
: as their Star Wars site for Celebsites. Natalie and Liam put me in charge
: of going out and getting in touch with the sites that were dedicated to
: their movie. They gave me a list of the sites they wished to be associated
: with their movie and their sites. Yours was on the short list. Natalie
: said there are 1,000 sites that claim to be Star Wars sites, but she went
: through all of them herself and only came up with a few that she liked. So
: my job is to pass on this letter she wrote and pass on your response to her
: email. Thank you for your time, I hope to speak to you soon. Please bear
: with me, I am such a novice at this!
: Kelly
: Hello Star Wars Friend:
: My name is Natalie Portman. I want to tell you how thrilled I was to see
: the site you designed for our movie, Star Wars. I really liked the way you
: designed your site, very impressive. You should be proud.
: I want to offer you a personal invitation to be a part of our official Star
: Wars site. I would like you to join me and become part of our official
: index by becoming a Celebsites developer. I really appreciate the fact
: that you've put so much effort into your site and so, as a first step
: towards establishing a relationship with you, I would like to offer you the
: use of our official banner. By clicking on our banner visiters to your web
: site can instantly locate every site dedicated to Star Wars (that we think
: are special.) By clicking on the Star Wars cast search banner, your
: visitors can locate sites dedicated to the other members in our movie. If
: we could get you to come aboard the team we can assure you that you will
: make us extremely happy.
: Well, thank you once again, please email me back. Can't wait to hear from you.
: Thank you for your time.
: Natalie Portman
: p.s. Here are the addresses you need to go to our banner page:
: http://www.celebsites.com/html/csdaban/starwars.htm
: \http://www.celebsites.com/html/network/developer.htm
: Well guys you decide. See ya, Shorty.
: "Shutup Shorty, anything can happen." -Indy, ToD