Posted by DeWayne from on August 27, 1999 at 16:27:57:
In Reply to: "Let's Hear it Ulla"-my poem posted by Ulla on August 27, 1999 at 08:55:07:
: Hallo, everybody. This is an "Indy poem" I composed as a school assignment. I had to write a rhyming poem under the topic of "Sunshine", but, as you can see, I guess I got a little TOO creative. All I ask is that though I may not have it "copyrighted", please refrain from "cheating" on my hard work. (I trust all of you. You are, after all, "Indyfans"!!)
: The beginning rays
: Of the day
: Dance from the leopard-printed curtains
: Onto Indiana Jones' firm shoulders. [*hehe*]
: The archaeologist groans but feels refreshed
: From the previous day where he narrowly escaped death,
: Sprinting from a perilous boulder.
: He yawns,
: Pleased to see the dawn,
: And swings his sturdy legs over the side of the bed.
: After splashing cool water on his face,
: He turns to embrace
: The sunshine now streaming through the window pane.
: He parts the drapes, then does his daily fitness routine to keep in shape,
: So he can be assured of years of excavations beneath desert terrain.
: He quickly pulls on his shirt
: And khaki trousers,
: Then adds his trusty bullwhip through the loop of his belt.
: His Webley is placed at his side,
: And he dons his fabulous fur fedora partly made of felt.
: Indiana Jones steps out into the golden dawn
: With no beings in sight, even around the "cenote": a pond.
: He decides
: To stride
: To the Temple of the Jaguar,
: An eerie sight illuminated by the crisp daybreak's light,
: Like a scene behind the imposing Mayan structure.
: Standing there, at the base of the towering monument,
: Stands the beautiful artist Ulla,
: Sketching with her wild hair in the wind.
: She turns as she hears Jones' salutation,
: Then shows him her sketch of the temple, her edifice exactly like her
: Presentation.
: Indy and Ulla talk about an excavation
: Of the colossal temple.
: Indiana then starts up the steep steps to see what he can unravel
: About the mysterious Mayan civilization.....
Very, very nice Ulla. If I were Indiana Jones, I would be all misty-eyed.