Posted by Short Round from on September 03, 1999 at 13:40:16:
I thought this would be cool! You know, like Spaceballs. Instead it would be cool for an Indy parody like that. This is how I would make the cast:
Indiana Jones Bill Campbell(No not Brisco but his brother Bill)
Marion Ravenwood Cissy Spacek
Sallah Danny DeVito(Okay so I got it from the forum)
Marcus Brody Keith Richards
Willie Scott Michele Pfeiffer
Elsa Goldie Hawn
The "Big Guys." Arnold Shwarchwhatever
Short Round a younger Jackie Chan
Well, I can't think of any more! Let's see what you can come up with. See ya's, Shorty/McFly.
"He looks just like me." -Marty BTTF II