Re: I`m not sure for Indy 4...

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Posted by Steve from on September 05, 1999 at 10:34:01:

In Reply to: Re: I`m not sure for Indy 4... posted by ROB T. on September 05, 1999 at 06:34:10:

: Even though I'm hoping for a fourth Indy film, I hold out no real hope that it will turn out to be Indy's greatest adventure. I doubt it'll be much more than an enjoyable romp.
: The last two films were nothing special; rollicking action films that lacked in magic, no better than "The Mummy" really.
: Maybe the magic of "Raiders" was a once in a lifetime thing and can't be reproduced. After all, if these three men, Lucas, Spielberg and Ford, couldn't do it the two times they tried then maybe it just can't be done.
: Oh well, I'd still like to visit with Indy one last time and who knows, by some fluke if the universe lines up in just the right way, maybe Indy Iv will turn out to be a masterpiece.

I am certainly not a literary critic as many people on this forum are. I operate at a much more "gut" level. I either like something or I don't. And most of the time I have a hard time verbalising exactly why. But for some reason I have always liked all three Indy movies. Sure, TOD is my least favorite. I was kinda put off by that heart removal scene. But it was a fun movie nontheless. With that said, I must admit that I hope the next one is on par with Raiders. But I also have a feeling that regardless of the excellence that this movie may exhibit, there will be some here who will find it lacking. And that is certainly ok in my book. Variety is the spice of life. Steve

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