Posted by Patterson from on September 08, 1999 at 10:06:04:
OK, maybe I'm being anal, but...
In Raiders, Amir says that the inscription on the headpiece says that the staff should be "6 kadams high, and take back one kadam...". At 6 kadams, Indy says that’s about 72 inches. Therefore, if the staff is supposed to be only 60 inches (5 feet) why, when Indy puts it in the peghole in the maproom does the staff, headpiece and all, look taller then him? I know it’s all for effect, but there is supposed to be somebody in charge of continuity, right?
Oh, and if you look at the actual script, the staff is "10 yamirs high", "about 75 inches". Taking back one "yamir" gets you to about 5.5 feet. Still, its ought to be shorter then Indy.
Am I really this anal-retentive?