Posted by Indiana John from on September 15, 1999 at 10:27:46:
In Reply to: Re: Cooper Jacket posted by Patterson on September 15, 1999 at 07:49:48:
: : :
: : : : The Cooper Jacket page is now active at Indy Gear.
: : : The picture you show for the Disney version doesn't look like the one I saw yesterday at the Indy Shop. The sleeves had snap buttons and the flap back was pretty small (as compared to the Wested).
: : That's my Disney jacket. I got it for Christmas of '96. I know they've changed them recently. Every time I've been to Disneyland the jackets seem to change a bit. The last time I went they had some that were cut the same as mine, but with a different, lighter leather.(Mine seems to be lambhide or something very close, that's what a expert told me. It's very, very nice leather.) They also had the ones with the snaps that you speak of. I doubt very much the latter are Coopers.
: They're not Coopers. Disney contracts to have them made in China. They stopped putting Coopers into their shops a while back. Its easy to tell if you have a Disney/Cooper; the straps on the Coopers have the D-rings attached on the back of the jacket, with the strap attached near the handwarmer slits. The non-Cooper Disney jackets have the arrangement backwards. The Cooper is consistant with the Wested, other than the fact that the straps are too short and are attached farther away from the handwarmer slits.
: Cheers!
: Patterson
You can also tell a Cooper apart, because the inside label says Cooper.
Hey Patterson,
How did you learn of the source for Disney's production?
You can contact me offline if you like.