Hurricane Floyd hometown.

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Posted by Adam from on September 17, 1999 at 11:29:08:

I always criticize people in my head for making off-topic posts, but being that some have already mentioned how Hurricane Floyd passed them over, and with the circumstances, I'm doing a follow up to that issue.

I'm here in California, having learned that the hurricane has caused substantial my hometown (Bound Brook, NJ). I'd spoken with my mom and dad last night, and all seemed fine.

This morning was another matter.

The water floods from a local creek and river has reached a high level, a mere BLOCK from my family. (And we're on a MOUNTAINSIDE in northern central NJ -- far from a flood level!) The main street and business district where I grew up has been featured on photos in CNN -- half consumed by floods, half by flames. I know at least one childhood friend's house is completely submered -- as to whether or not he and his family are okay, I'm still trying to learn.

Let that be a reality check to everyone else Floyd passed.

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