Posted by Kenneth. from on September 19, 1999 at 12:08:57:
In Reply to: Geeze! You ain't as big of Indy fans as I thought.... what the heck--It's Indy! posted by the Fiddler on September 19, 1999 at 09:45:23:
I like temple,by gum i like temple.I watch it twice a week usually on thursdays
and sundays, i just feel that it was aimed more at a younger audience
than the first and last movies.And this i dont like.Either wille or short
round on their own would be fine but the two of them?Thats just too
much comic relif for me.
Its more of a simple movie,a sunday evening movie, a watch when youre
drunk but still understand movie.It just aint a classic.
"Weve just uncovered a plot to assasinate the fuhrer!"
Richard Burton-Where Eagles Dare.
Glad to see you like sunday evening movies too!