Posted by Steve from on September 24, 1999 at 05:44:44:
In Reply to: Re: Herbert Johnson IS the Raiders color posted by David Zaritsky on September 24, 1999 at 05:08:16:
: Once again I agree with my friend Dale. Whats that old saying? There is no imatation for perfection. However, that being said I always liked the Temple of Doom color of the hat---almost a nougaty color and seemingly lighter. Thus being the experimenter I am I took my Stetson Indy (which has been the brunt of many experiments before doing any to my HJ) and sifted very dry, very pale dirt on it...then I sat it in the sun (after shaking most of the dirt off) for as week...then I wetted it, shaped it (as I mentioned in an early post) and again left it in the sun and elements for about four days...the result is a nearly perfect match and condition to the hat from Temple of Doom. If anyone likes I can post pictures as to the results and the comparison of the two hats...
I would be interested in seeing comparison pictures of the hats. Thanks, Steve