Posted by Kenneth. from on September 24, 1999 at 09:52:41:
Dear all,
First off,I have been away for a week so i apologise that i may have not been able to answer some of the posts directed at me.(thanks
michaelson for answering that ribbon question).Secondly,although
i am aware that many of you people dont like me very much(due to
hate mail i have been recieving from various people on the forum)
I think everyone here is great.I have caused a few arguments in the
past and if i have offended anybody then i am sorry.But i do not think
that i have caused so much trouble as to warrant these foul remarks.
As im sure you all agree,there are a few people on this forum that
i find to be very Immature and who take everything as a personal
insult or something.All i say is SHAME on you!.I love this place
and most of you guys are great.I just dont understand why we cant get
along. We all love Indy and thats why were here and its about time
that all you stiff asses lighten up AND RESPECT EACH OTHERS OPINIONS.
I have been able to live and almost complete one of my life dreams,
thanks to you people and why i must be subjected to such abuse from
others is quite beond my understanding.
On a seperate note my Raiders pants will be arriving on monday and shame on all you people that critizize Noel Howard.He is here providing a service to us.He works for the showbiz industry and i think that some of us can be a little more appreciative of the facility he provides for us.Apart from the whip holder i will now own all the items he has to offer and i am satisfied with all of them.
So lets be friends and share our intrest with a little less hostility.
(micah, please dont delete this message as i consider it extremly