Posted by Short Round from on September 24, 1999 at 13:10:50:
Ok, replying to the almost buried post below about that one guy who wants Luke to win over the Bond or Indy poll. Here is what I wrote the butthead.
"Luke uses the force to get out of crappy situations, Indy and Bond don't have nothing but a whip, webley, and guns or gadgets! Luke is cool, but just because those two are better doesn't mean you have to act like a jerk about it! Your poll sucks!!! James Bond and Indy can kick the crap out of Puke the Duke Skycrapper anyday!!! BTW Han is better! At least he didn't kiss his sister."
Whattaya think? Well see ya's, Shorty.
"What about all that talk about the space time continuim? Messing up future events?" -Marty, BTTF.