Posted by Kenneth. from on September 27, 1999 at 13:32:11:
Hey all,
On saturday i went to a special screening of Raiders in Dublin and let
me tell you it was an experience ill never forget.besides seeing
so much extra on the sides of the screen and in the backround the colour was different.I noticed that the shirt colour was much closer
to the NH shirt than it was on video.But perhaps the most important
of all my observations was that the coller lining of the wested was leather.In the scene with Inman(sp?) it can clearly be seen when indy
stands up.I could never see this on video so dont bother looking!
Oh and im also pretty sure that there is an UZI in the back of the truck with all the explosives HA HA HA!Oh and although R2 and 3PO
can easily seen on video,they are TOO easy to see on the big screen.Its pathetic how easy it is to spot them.Oh well.Apart
from that it was a brillant experience.Everyone was laughing,cheering
and claping.It was the best atmosphere i have ever seen at a movie.
I certainly wont be forgeting it soon!