The gum...

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Posted by Sean from on September 29, 1999 at 03:06:54:

In Reply to: "Hallo!!" said a Danish voice. posted by Dale Dassel on September 28, 1999 at 17:39:18:

: : I know this isn't a big deal, but I have expanded my Indy collection a little more!! :-) I have 17 from the movie, and they are gorgeus. Does anyone else have these? I got them for 80 cents!! (plus shipping and bla bla bla) "They're beautiful!!" All I am waiting for now is my Raiders storybook...:-)
: : Adventurously,
: : Ulla

: The Raiders 88-card set? I picked it up for $25 a few years ago.
: Absolutely mint condition. Also have the novelization, read-along
: record book, poster (signed by Harrison), and two versions of the
: soundtrack; as well as The Making of Raiders video, and the film
: itself (in the boxed set). It's my favorite movie of all time.

: -Dale Dassel

Hands down, the `Raiders...' card set had the best tasting gum of all time.
It's funny you guys should post about the cards because I was just thinking about them the other day.
I had the whole set by the time I saw `Raiders' when I was a was 1981 and I at about 30 pounds of that gum, but man oh man was it good.

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