Posted by Michaelson from on October 03, 1999 at 09:20:31:
I saw an interview on "ET This Week" last night, and they had an interview with George Lucas that cast a completely different spin to what we've been reading recently. In the SW catagory, he was asked if a certain actor had been approached to play a principle part in the second SW movie. Lucas said he hadn't even fleshed out the storyline yet, let alone considered WHO he'd have in the movie yet, so the answer was no. This is a complete contridiction to what we've read to date, that being SW had the front seat, and IJ was on a back burner until this was done. This lead up to the question, "Will there be a fourth Indy movie, considering Harrison Ford said he'd like to do one?". Lucas said,"Absolutely. I have TWO scripts for consideration (caps for emphasis are mine) and all I'm waiting for is a phone call from Steven and Harrison. I'm ready to go!" Hummmm. This was from Lucas' own mouth, not a producer's or Hollywood "insider". Interesting. Regards. Michaelson