Posted by Sith Sunstorm from on May 22, 1998 at 21:41:02:
In Reply to: Re: Indiana Jones and the Shield of Achilles posted by Troy on May 22, 1998 at 20:18:31:
: I was reading your entry and your suggestion about Knossos. It made got me thinking and
: I remembered that one of the famous portraits of Alexander is found in the ruins
: of Pompei, Italy. It details the battle of Gaugamela against the Persian
: emperor Darius. It is possible that Indy's first clues could take him there. Much like Fate of Atlantis
: took him to Crete. Maybe the shield fell into the hands of another great ruler after Alexander.
: Cleopatra was one of the last Ptolemaic kings of Egypt (descendants of Alexander's general, Ptolemy),
: and she was Greek. She would have known the whereabouts of Alexander's tomb. Wasn't it Ceaser that took Alexandria from Cleopatra
: and his obstinate young leiutenant Antony. There is your next great ruler. The possibilities for a plausible
: backround history would make for a solid Indy story -- not much fantasy but, real historic moments. That is
: one of the things that made the trilogy and the chronicles great is because they were possible
: from a historical standpoint with few exceptions.
: Besides the title of the story is pretty good.
: ---Troy
: "Kratisto"
Excellent!!! I just loved this idea. All we need now are characters, villians and the main motive for Indy to go on this great adventure.