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Posted by Michaelson from em12-686.utsi.edu on October 13, 1999 at 16:50:49:
In Reply to: Welcome to Canada, USA posted by Tarli on October 13, 1999 at 13:37:50:
: : : : : : HEy mark,
: : : : : : I heard that around three hours ago on the news and was preety shocked.
: : : : : : Colt has being arming civilans for the past 150 years.Im just glad i have my
: : : : : : 1911 and peacemaker as the prices are going to shoot through the roof.
: : : : : : Im quite dissapointed at the whole thing.Every man deserves the right
: : : : : : to a colt.
: : : : : : Would good old Samuel agree with this one????
: : : : : : I think not!
: : : : : : Dissapointingly,
: : : : : : Kenneth.
: : :
: : : :
: : : : :
: : : : : The fact that Colt is getting out of the consumer gun market may be a taste of things looming over the horizon. I can see it coming. Gun control. Seems like the climate is getting more favorable for the further erosion to constitutional rights enjoyed since this country's creation. Our legislatures are so busy attempting to save and protect us from ourselves that it has become laughable, if we could only afford to join in with the merriment! Steve
: : : : I'm not really sure how this is being allowed to happen. The media is having a field day, and yet when I looked at a poll being taken by CNN on their internet page yesterday, the question was asked "Should gun makers be held responsible for the actions of certain individuals, as charged in the cities legal filings against the gun makers?", the results showed the poll of over 108,000+ against to only 3,000+ for. Not exactly a majority in ANYONES mind, and yet the media still claims that the US population is all for this litigation. Strange that they claim 1st Amendment rights to make these statements, and yet forget that it's the Second Amendment that ALLOWS them that first Amendment protection. Regards. Michaelson
: : : These lawsuits lately are getting absurd. Certain "bad guys" have been identified in the public eye and guns and cigarettes are two of them. The government's recent lawsuit against the tobacco companies for the health care costs incurred by smoking is interesting considering the fact that the government own indenpendent research arm, the GAO, did a study and found that no net costs were incurred by smoking. Smokers tend to get more diseases yes, but they die early which offsets those costs. Of course its morbid to talk about peoples lives as mere economic values like this, but it makes you think about what's really going on here. The government doesn't like smoking and if they feel that public opinion will support it they will do anything legal or not to attack the tobacco companies. It has nothing to do with justice. Now I'm no tobacco fan, but I say, why can't we live in a country where people are responsible for their own actions and they stop blaming everyone else for their own mistakes?
: : : Next on the list: a huge lawsuit against car manufacturers and beer/liquor companies for deaths caused by drunk driving. Why not? It's just as logical.
: : : If these gun industry lawsuits succeed then I will personally sue McDonalds, Coca-Cola, and Pepsi, for all the heart disease, diabetes, and early deaths caused by eating large amounts of fat and sugar. I could make...trillions.
: : : Then I'll take those trillions and buy a little island somewhere, and start my own country that actually respects a Bill of Rights.
: : : Cheers,
: : : Abner
: :
: : I hope you'll be offering VISA's, cause I'll be applying for entry. (grins) Regards. Michaelson
: Not so much the sueing issue... Here in Canada fire arms registration has been around since the first part of the century. Now it applies to our long guns as well. Sometimes when I'm particularly flustered with some legal issue I try and dream that some day I'll just move across the border and it will all be okay. Unforetunately, my neighbours in the states are starting to follow the anti fire arm trend. It's too bad that we have to live in an environment where a tool is considered politically incorrect. GRRRR. I wonder when they'll make me register my hammers and pliers??? Don't give up your rights folks. P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!!!!
: Tarli