Posted by Michaelson from on October 21, 1999 at 08:14:14:
In Reply to: Indiana Jones and the Search for the Perfect Leather Conditioner posted by Dirk Pitt on October 20, 1999 at 22:25:52:
: Probably not the title for Indy 4. But upon DeWayne's suggestion I invested in some of Tandy Leather's Dr. Jackson's Hide Rejuvenator -- and it works like a charm. It comes in a six ounce tub and you rub it on by hand. Once it soaked into the leather and dried my Wested was better than ever. I would definitely suggest that anyone who gets a Wested -- or any leather jacket, for that matter -- condition it as soon as they get it. And I found Dr. Jackson's to be perfect. Thanks DeWayne!
: -- Dirk Pitt
I have a friend attempting to make some inroads with military personnel he knows to see if we can get the Letap over here somehow. I have also seen recently that Pecards also offers a "motorcycle leather cleaner/conditioner" that is a lotion that looks promising. I have a small sample bottle that I plan to try soon. The quest goes on. At least I have a can and a half of Letap's to compare other lotions to. Stay tuned. Regards. Michaelson