Posted by Short Round from on October 22, 1999 at 11:14:44:
Did you notice that most of the bloopers in the Indy trilogy have something to do with the persons gun being out of date or a car or something? I was checking out Indy's Excavations and I seen in the Goofs section(One thing that I was able to submit to 8-D) that there are many like that. I also notice that with BTTF. The glasses that everyone is drinking out of on the table when Marty is eating dinner at Loraine's house is the exact kind we have! I freaked out as I noticed that yesterday. And the guitar that Marty plays with at the end wasn't made at that time. And the scores of UCLA and the other basketball team on BTTF II weren't correct. And on BTTF III they say that the train shouldn't have had those things attached to the wheels. Danget, I forgot what they're called. Well there are many things like that on movies. I have watched the movies La Bamba and the Buddy Holly Story sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many times and never noticed anything like that or seen anything posted about that on any websites. Hehe, I guess Spielberg and Lucas like to only use something cuz of the looks are maybe to play mind games with us. Well see ya's, Shorty.