Posted by Sean from on October 24, 1999 at 07:36:04:
In Reply to: Indiana Jones costume posted by Indiana Boy on October 24, 1999 at 00:07:13:
: Is there any alternatives to making a Indiana Jones costume? The prices for the authentic items are pricey. Does anyone know of any sites that talk about replicating the authentic items? Thanks.
I'm not sure if there are any sites to help you out, but here's a little advice.
Since a lot of the Indy clothing consisted of "real world" items, you should have no trouble replicating the look, if not to a degree of authenticity. One thing you have going for you is that you don't need an expensive leather jacket for your costume, just roll the sleeves of your shirt up a la 'Raiders.' I would think a basic Indy costume would consist of 1)a white, khaki or stone coloured shirt which you should have no trouble finding as those are popular colours right now. 2) a pair of brown, khaki or tan dress pants, also readily available. 3) a pair of brown work boots. 4) a webbing belt in tan or brown, check Wal-Mart, they're about $5 there. 5) Check an Army Surplus store for a cheap brown leather holster and gun belt, as well as (but not absolutely necessary) some kind of canvas bag with a strap, leather of course if possible. And finally you'll definately need a fedora, check for their resources. All told you could probably get these items for under $50, and while you may not fool the most discerning indyfan, most people will think you look pretty cool. Oh I remembered one more thing - if you aren't old enough to grow a beard, one of the oldest tricks is to use vaseline and the contents of a tea-bag to give you that rugged adventurer look. Goofy, but it looks cool.
Hope this helps!